Mark Soelberg

Mark Soelberg

Mark Soelberg

About Mark Soelberg

Mark has been with RMI since 1999. He fulfilled a 4-year term on the NAPEO Board of Directors and actively participates in speaking and writing engagements within the PEO industry. Mark is a graduate of Utah State University in Logan, Utah and actively volunteers with the Huntsman School of Business at USU. He has presented for the American Medical Association, the Utah CPA Association, and Utah’s Association for Economic Growth, among others.

RMI Partnership with Vensure Employer Solutions

We are excited to announce a strategic partnership between Resource Management, Inc. (RMI) and Vensure Employer Solutions.

Vensure Employer Solutions, headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, has been in the PEO and ASO business since 2004, operating across the United States and Canada. You can learn more about Vensure here.

The benefits of this move will be seen in the coming weeks and months. We will have access to additional HR, payroll, and benefit resources, which will greatly increase the breadth of our […]

2024-12-12T09:47:43-07:00October 9th, 2023|

RMI Message on Banking Partners

Knowing that there’s likely a bit of unease out there as a result of the two recent bank failures, we wanted to send a message out to all of you in an effort to ease any concerns that you may have.  There are several critical distinctions between the banks that RMI utilizes and the two banks that were just put into federal receivership.  Both banks had extremely high growth rates in recent years and their concentrations of large, uninsured deposits […]

2024-02-16T09:06:37-07:00March 14th, 2023|

Update on the ERC through the CAA

If you are wondering about the expanded Employee Retention Credit (ERC) that was recently made available through the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), we have the following information to consider.

  • This credit is only available for employers that had a full or partial suspension of their business during any calendar quarter of 2020 because of government limiting commerce, travel, or group meetings due to COVID-19 OR a significant reduction (20% or more under the new regulation) in gross receipts when comparing […]
2024-02-16T08:51:41-07:00January 20th, 2021|

Distinguished Executive Alumnus of 2020 Award

Distinguished Executive Alumnus of 2020 Award

Kurt Larsen

Utah State University College of Business Distinguished Executive Alumnus of 2020 Award

Hear from Kurt Larsen, recipient of his year’s Distinguished Executive Alumnus Award. An Aggie, Larsen founded Resource Management Inc. (RMI) in 1992 to help small business owners focus more directly on the production side of their company by outsourcing to RMI their administrative, payroll, benefits, human resources, and risk management functions. Under Mr. Larsen’s leadership, Resource […]

2024-12-12T09:44:28-07:00October 9th, 2020|

Social Security Tax Deferral Update

As you probably know, on August 8, 2020, the President issued a memorandum related to delaying the employee portion of Social Security payroll taxes. Then, on August, 28, the IRS released Notice 2020-65, found here: setting forth some guidance on the President’s memorandum. As expected, the Notice announced an optional delay of the due date for the withholding and payment obligations of employers for the 6.2% employee portion of Social Security payroll tax for certain employees. The delay applies to […]

2024-02-16T08:51:37-07:00September 4th, 2020|

RMI video regarding the PPP

We hope that you and your employees continue to be safe and healthy during this trying time. To compliment the regular updates on the different legislation that has been passed to assist businesses (and the PPP loan aspect of those in particular), we wanted to reach out again with some additional, and hopefully helpful, information. RMI has worked with our national association in producing a video compilation of how we can help with the issues related to […]

2024-02-16T08:51:32-07:00July 17th, 2020|

New Regulations Affecting Clients with PPP Loans

For those of you that have secured a PPP loan through your lender, you may have heard that there are now approved regulations affecting the time period and qualifying costs to be eligible for loan forgiveness. Generally, these appear to be more favorable, meaning that more companies should be able to use the PPP funds for the intended purposes over a now extended time period. For clarification and specific questions you may want to contact your lender.

Specifically, on Monday, June […]

2024-12-12T09:46:14-07:00June 10th, 2020|

PPP Loan Forgiveness Application

As you may have heard, late on Friday, the Small Business Administration and Treasury Department released the application (application and instructions for loan forgiveness) that borrowers will use to seek forgiveness for Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans, along with detailed instructions for its completion. The 11-page application contains measures that will benefit borrowers, including an option that lets small businesses calculate payroll costs using an “alternative” eight-week covered period that likely aligns more closely with their regular payroll cycles. […]

2024-02-16T08:44:09-07:00May 20th, 2020|

RMI FFCRA Leave Request Form

RMI knows that you have been inundated recently with information related to both the original federal aid legislation (the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, or the “FFCRA”) and the second major piece of legislation (the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the “CARES Act”). RMI has attempted to mitigate the amount of that inundation by limiting the information that we send out. Well, it’s time to provide some clarifying information to you regarding the FFCRA. Before that, though, […]

2024-02-16T08:44:10-07:00April 10th, 2020|

RMI CARES Act Update

We know you have many questions regarding the recently passed CARES Act (“the Act”), specifically, what are the next steps? In an effort to keep information flowing, we will produce a series of updates over the next few days as the administrative rules are published. As usual, please seek advice from your CPA, financial advisor, and/or banker on how to make the best decision for your business. Based on the date the Act was signed (3/27/20), there is a provision […]

2024-02-16T08:44:15-07:00March 31st, 2020|
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